After an active week of training, today at the Mežaparks Sports Village, we won 6:1 against our second team. Anthony Contreras scored two goals, Reginaldo Ramires, Pape Gueye, Brian Orosco and Kemehlo Nguena scored once, while Nazar Prudchenko scored for the opponents.
The team actively practiced twice a day this week, and second team players Mārcis Kazanis, Ričards Janišs, Ivans Galajevs, Ibrahim Hussaini, Artem Marchuk, Maksims Semeško and Oleksandr Laptev trained together with the main team.
The game took place according to the format 3×30 minutes. Anthony Contreras scored in the second minute. Kristaps Zommers saved the second team several times during the first period. In the second period, goals were scored by Reginaldo Ramires, Contreras, Brian Orosco and Pape Gueye scored from the 11 meter mark (5:0).
In the last 30 minutes, both teams scored one goal each. Ukrainian player Nazar Prudchenko (5:1) stood out for the second team, but Kemehlo Nguena scored the last goal in the game. At the beginning of the third period, the young Maksims Semeško had a chance to take the penalty for the main team, but the opponents were saved by Mārcis Kazainis.
The next match in the Latvian championship is on September 14 at Skonto Stadium against “Auda”.