Four talented, young players – Ratmirs Trifonovs (Latvia), Nazar Prudchenko (Ukraine), David Arize (Germany) and Ibrahim Hussaini (Nigeria) – have joined “Riga Football Club” second team.
Ratmirs Trifonovs was born in 2007, is a our academy grown up and a player of the Latvian youth national teams. Plays as a central midfielder. Ratmirs has signed a professional contract with our club.
Nazar Prudchenko (2008) is a 15-year-old Ukrainian football player who played in Daugavpils youth teams for the last two seasons. He plays as a midfielder. Nazar has already scored one goal for the second team.
David Arize (2005) is a well-known German club “Borussia Mönchengladbach” grown up player. David plays as a striker, is 196 centimeters tall and has scored 27 goals in 49 games in the youth championships.
Ibrahim Hussaini is from Nigeria and was born in 2006. Ibrahim is an attacking midfielder and has joined our team from the “Central Football Academy”.